First review of the Fading Ground cd by Josué Amador, Dirar Kalash and myself by Frans de Waard in Vital Weekly 1096:
None of these names sound very Dutch but I believe they all live and work in The Hague, The Netherlands, and of the three I recognized only Arvind Ganga, who plays electric guitar here and of whom I reviewed music before. We find him in the right channel and playing the same instrument on the left channel is Josue Amador, while Dirar Kalash plays in stereo his violin and electronics. The five pieces on this CD were recorded in November of last year in their hometown. The music this trio plays is from the world of improvised music, which is of course something I expected, knowing Ganga’s own music but what I perhaps didn’t expect was that it sounded all a bit more noisy. The guitars are at times somewhat distorted and raw, and the violin is scraped, bends and plucked with some furious intent and all of this goes in quite some concentrated manner. There are five pieces on this album and quietness is not something that allow a lot, but it is certainly also not entirely away. These pieces are from the noisy of free improvisation, but a piece as ‘Dawn, Elevated’ has certainly also some kind of rock inclination, within improvisation, within noise, but no doubt also free rocking, without any drums of course. I very much enjoyed the groups interaction, the concentration on the repeating detail and the power it unleashes. Fresh power trio!