Three music/dance improvisations in August

I seem to be too sloppy to update this site regularly. Still good to post about three performances I did last august as part of the annual Music/Dance Improvisation Workshop by the inimitable Katie Duck. I was lucky enough to play in three music/dance improvisations.

The first one was a collaboration with Manuela Tessi, with whom I play a lot more, and Annukka Hyrvonen, who I never met. It was a wonderful encounter that came together very smoothly:

One week later I played with drummer Robbert van Hulzen and dancers Izabela Pacewicz-Wyzocka and Pawel Grala. I only played in the last few minutes to add to the climax of this explosive set. A lot of fun and energy release!

The last performance was something entirely else altogether. Naz Bushem proposed a performance about the objectification of the female body, with Pawel Grala. I think this was the most intense piece I ever played. Naz gave it all, and the audience was at the same time completely fascinated and totally disgusted. And we were exhausted.