Two wonderful reviews of the Fading Ground cd with Josué Amador and Dirar Kalash came in. First from Opduvel, in Dutch. It’s a detailed review, last paragraph here:
“Fading Ground contains an enormous amount of musical details, wrapped in a sometimes very noisy jacket. Amador, Ganga and Kalash play free improvisation with a rock attitude and the result is astonishing. It may be a lot to comprehend, but the repeat button is there for a reason. You are advised to listen this album with headphones, as it will bring forward the many finesses and little details amidst the noisy playing. This trio offers an album full of unpolished musicality and that is incredibly beautiful.”
And the other from absurdist review blog Yeah I Know It Sucks:
“(…) wow that’s pretty much amazing what josue amador, arvind ganga, dirar kalash can do with sounds…”